The only virtual teacher that backs up its answers with video citations...
...and the exact highlighted text in source documents.
Our Part 107 Virtual Teacher can generate a near limitless bank of quiz questions based on the Part 107 Airman Certification Standards and provide source citations for quiz answers.
For the last two years, the FAA reported that almost 60,000 Part 107 exams were taken each year.
The 2023
Pass Rate was 87% and 2022 was about 86% with Test Score Average at about 81%.
The FAA requires a 70% for a passing score. Our Virtual Teacher passed a 72 question practice test from an FAA test bank with a 96%
Many dedicated courses can cost anywhere from about $200 to $400, yet many drone pilots have learned how to safely fly paying much less than that, or nothing at all! Our Virtual teacher costs as low as $15/month plus a Free Week Trial with our Basic Plan!
The FAA provides all source material for the exam free online.
We give you an all in one workspace where you can conveniently access all FAA source documents needed for the exam. Our A.I. Teacher references those documents when providing you instructions, answers, and quiz questions.
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Get Started Today with a Free Plan, No Credit Card Required!
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